This story is about Fernando Torres, the resident of Medieval Spain, who was returning home on a merchant ship "Leona". His ship was destroyed by a terrible storm, so our hero found himself on a desert island. But that's not the end of the story: now exciting adventures are waiting for Torres, as well as a chain of serious decisions which he will be able to make only with your help.Torres is not a brave sailor, not a pirate, not a seeker of adventures. He is just a simple merchant of spices, who knows little on how to stay alive when left alone face to face with the wilderness, disasters and... Well, you'll find out soon enough about everything that awaits Fernando Torres.The whole story develops in real time. You will get notifications on your mobile device about everything that happens to the hero. Choosing one or another course of action don't forget that your decision may save him or kill him. The game has several story lines with alternative endings and what will be the end of this story depends on you.Fernando Torres is an adventurous saga. Along with Torres, you can take an amazing journey through time, find yourself in the Middle Ages, in the era of great geographical discoveries